Top areas for academic and property balance

New research has collated the top 50 schools within England that offer the best balance between affordable housing and top quality state education. The findings suggest that three of the top-ten are in Birmingham.

Academically pleasing

Data from the report by eMoov compared the average house prices in the surrounding area of a school, to the average GCSE score per pupil.

Coming in with top-marks was the King Edward VI Handsworth School in England’s second city, with an average GCSE score of 588.9 per pupil backed up with average house prices of £107,305. This results in a property value of £182 for each GCSE point achieved.[1]

Two other schools from Birmingham also made it into the top-ten: The King Edward VI Five Ways School (3rd) and King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls (5th).

The full top-ten list is:

1st) King Edward VI Handsworth School, Birmingham

2nd) Blue Coat School, Liverpool

3rd) King Edward VI Five Ways School, Birmingham

4th) Devenport High School for Girls, Plymouth

5th) King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls, Birmingham

6th) Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School, Lancaster

7th) Lawrence Sheriff School, Rugby

8th) Crossley Heath School, Halifax

9th) Upton Hall School, Wirral

10th) Southend High School for Girls, Southend[1]

Top areas for academic and property balance


In addition, eMoov conducted another survey of 1,000 homeowners with children. Results from the report show that 22% of British homeowners moved closer to the preferred school for their child in order to secure them a place. 14% purchased property years in advance of their child starting school, purely because it was in their catchment area.[1]

10% of homeowners said they think about moving home to give their children a better chance of gaining entry into their ideal school. Another 10% said they had downsized to move into their desired catchment area.[1]

However, just 27% of those surveyed revealed that they had studied the school league tables before choosing their child’s school. This suggests that reputation and world of mouth are hugely prevalent in making this decision.

Hand in hand

‘Property and schooling go hand in hand,’ said Russell Quirk, founder and CEO of eMoov.co.uk. ‘Our research shows securing a place at your desired school by moving to its catchment area, is a driving factor for many.’ Quirk believes that, ‘it is one of the major life stages where property is concerned, first we get a foot on the ladder, then we climb a rung or two to start a family, then we turn our attention to educating our children.’[1]

Mr Quirk went on to say, ‘Unfortunately we aren’t all in the desirable position whereby we can wave our children off to a prestigious private school. This latest eMoov study identifies the top performing schools in the country where property in the surrounding area is relatively affordable.’[1]

[1] http://www.propertyreporter.co.uk/property/birmingham-offers-the-best-balance-of-affordable-property-and-top-schools.html


Em Morley:
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