Tenant Who Threatened to Kill Letting Agent Awaits Sentence

Burglar breaking into a house and threatening with a knife

Though having an unpleasant relationship with your tenant is possible, it is important to ensure that a level of civility is maintained between both parties to avoid issues such as the following.

Kenneth Begg, aged 60 set fire to his rental property according to Paisley Sheriff Court. In addition to this, Begg then locked his property and ventured to Penny Lane Homes agent where, upon arriving, he threatened to kill all staff members.

The Court was informed that Begg had received a letter from Penny Lane Homes. The letter was said to have warned Begg about the complaints Penny Lane Homes had received from neighbours regarding his anti-social behaviour.

It was reported that when Begg had arrived at the agents, he requested to speak with Martin Johnstone, who, when he arrived at work, spoke with Begg about the letter he had received.

It was then that Begg announced: “That is the least of your worries – I have set the house on fire.

“I have nothing to lose. I will kill everyone in the office.”

Immediately after, Begg produced a knife and gestured it towards the direction of Mr. Johnstone, the Court reports.

Subsequent to this incident, a member of staff dialled the emergency services.

Begg has pleaded guilty to charges, including wilfully setting a fire in his property. Lastly, Begg admitted a charge of breach of the peace.

We care about the tenant and landlord/letting agent relationship and are constantly exercising our efforts to ensure that tenants, landlords and letting agents are aware of what they can do to achieve a positive relationship with one another.

Visit our associate company Just Landlords’ website to read their advice on how to maintain a positive relationship with your tenants.

Furthermore, if an issue should escalate and unfortunately become worse, you may have to begin the eviction process. Here is a guide on how to carry out this process correctly and appropriately on our website.





Em Morley:
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