Are there millions of faulty white goods in UK rental properties?
New figures released by Imfuna show that fires involving faulty white goods have cost the economy over £118m over the last five years.
As such, landlords and letting agents are being warned that the lives of their tenants could be at risk should they cut corners on testing these types of goods.
Since 2011, London’s Fire Brigade have attended 2,072 white-good-related fires-amounting to nearly one fire per day.
As part of their company recall policy, home appliance manufacturer Whirlpool maintains that consumers can use their affected dryers while awaiting modification, so long as they are not left alone.
However, the Fire Brigade strongly disagrees, urging anyone with these models to unplug their machine and to stop using them immediately.
The average success rate of an electrical product recall in Britain is between 10-20%. As a result, there are millions of recalled electrical items being used in rental properties in the UK. With most of those products being recalled due to posing a serious risk of fire or shocks, they are a substantial risk.

Are there millions of faulty white goods in UK rental properties?
Jax Kneppers, founder and CEO of Imfuna, said: ‘Many landlords provide white goods in rental properties, including fridges and freezers that are switched on 24 hours a day. Landlords and agents should check to see if their fridges and freezers have been recalled and immediately advise tenants of any issues.’[1]
‘Landlords and agents should also ensure their properties have fully working smoke alarms. Landlords are legally required to fit smoke alarms in rented homes, as well as offer protection against carbon monoxide poisoning. They are also required to check all alarms are working when a new tenancy starts – with potential penalties of up to £5,000 if they don’t comply. Thorough property reports which flag items in need of repair are an essential part of ensuring that tenants remain safe in rented accommodation and that landlords avoid paying heavy fines,’ Kneppers added.[1]