Landlords out of pocket after tenant damage
More than two thirds of buy-to-let landlords end up out of pocket as a result of property damage caused by outgoing tenants.
A survey from services company Fantastic Services revealed the largest problems landlords face at the end of an agreement.
Most Common Issues
The most common property damage landlords are left with were stained carpets, with 76% indicating that this was the case. Next came dirty ovens (67%) and marked walls that required redecorating (58%).
47% said that they had to sort out garden damage at the conclusion of a tenancy, while 22% said they had to fix damaged worktops.
More than a third of landlords said that they believed the damaged inflicted on their property was caused by pets. Marked floors, ripped carpets and scratched woodwork were common giveaways, with 24% of landlords claiming this damage occurred despite the tenancy agreement stating pets were not permitted in the property.
Alongside everyday property problems, 54% of landlords questioned said that they had been forced to repair more expensive facilities, such as cookers, gas boilers and showers, that their previous tenants had not informed them about. Many said the cost amounted to at least one month’s rent.