Posts with tag: ScS

4 tips to help keep heating bills low this winter

Published On: January 28, 2022 at 9:26 am


Categories: Property News,Tenant News

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To help us stay warm without the hefty price tags whilst working from home this winter, ScS has teamed up with Holly Herbert, Head of Content at, to provide tips for keeping heating bills low.

1. Don’t heat empty space  

Holly says: “Don’t bother heating rooms that are empty, such as hallways or unused spare rooms. Instead, turn the radiators off and close the doors. Doing so can cut your bill by a third depending on how many rooms you’re not using.”

2. Fluffy flooring  

“Using matts and rugs for floors that aren’t carpeted will help heat cold floors for less than underfloor heating and make you feel warmer, so you don’t feel the need to crank up the heating,” Holly adds.

3. Window warmers  

“Thick curtains are also a great way to keep the heat in your home. Opt for those marked thermal and make sure you keep these closed to avoid drafts coming in and encouraging you to have the heating on higher, saving around 10% off your bill,” advises Holly.

4. Furniture placement   

“Make sure your bed is closer to the radiator than the window (not too close or it will trap the heat), to help you feel warmer while you sleep. Similarly, ensure your sofa isn’t too close to the radiator as this will absorb the heat and the room won’t feel the benefit. In general, keep all furniture six inches away from the radiators to allow the heat to flow around the room more efficiently, saving up to 10% on bills. Keeping sofas and chairs away from external walls will also help you feel warmer while relaxing,” says Holly.  

Dale Gillespie, Head of Acquisition at ScS, said: “Though many put off turning the heating on until temperatures drop really low, it’s surprising to see how many people leave it on for most of the day.

“We were surprised to see such a difference in behaviours across the UK with some cities preferring to heat their homes in short blasts but whacking the thermostat high where others heat on low for longer hours.

“As we’re spending more time at home, it’s amazing how big a difference a little thing like moving your sofa can help to heat up a room and reduce heating bills.”

Research reveals average number of hours Brits leave the heating on

Published On: January 21, 2022 at 3:57 pm


Categories: Property News,Tenant News


Households in Britain have the heating on for an average of 4.7 hours a day during the colder months, according to research from ScS.

Glaswegians keep the heating on for the longest, at 5.4 hours a day. The Midlands comes second and third, with people in Nottingham keeping the heating on for 5.2 hours a day and Birmingham for 5.1 hours.

The UK cities where residents keep the heating on the longest (on average):  

  1. Glasgow – 5.4 hours
  2. Nottingham – 5.2 hours
  3. Birmingham – 5.1 hours
  4. Sheffield – 5.0 hours
  5. Leeds – 4.9 hours
  6. Liverpool – 4.9 hours
  7. London – 4.9 hours

In some areas, residents are keeping the heating on for even longer. 12% of those from Glasgow and 10% of those from Nottingham and Sheffield 10% keep theirs on for 12+ hours every day. 19% of Londoners heat their homes for 6-8 hours a day.

The UK cities where residents are most likely to keep the heating on for 12+ hours a day: 

  1. Glasgow (12%)
  2. Nottingham (10%)
  3. Sheffield (10%)
  4. Cardiff (9%)
  5. Birmingham (8%)

The research shows those in the north of England are a little more sparing with their heating, with 17% of those living in Manchester and Newcastle limiting their heating to just 1-2 hours a day.   

The average temperature Brits leave their thermostat at is 21°C. Despite this, 13% of Brits have their heating high at 25°C or above.

Although they don’t leave the heating on for long each day, 11% of those from Belfast keep it at 25°C. ScS says that if homes are well insulated, turning the heating up high for a short amount of time might be a good way to heat up homes for less.

The research also shows that those who leave their heating on longer do so at a lower temperature. 25% of those in Birmingham, 25% in Sheffield, and 24% in Liverpool set their thermostat to 18°C or lower.

ScS and We Buy Any House provide tips for saving money on heating bills

Published On: January 15, 2021 at 9:06 am


Categories: Property News

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Research from sofa and carpet specialist ScS reveals households have the heating on for an average of 4.7 hours a day during the colder months.

One in three (36%) Brits have had their heating on for more than five hours a day while working from home this winter, ScS reports.

When it comes to cities, those in Glasgow have their heating on for the longest, at 5.4 hours per day. In second place is Nottingham at 5.2 hours per day, and third is Birmingham at 5.1 hours per day.

The UK cities where people keep their heating on the longest on average: 

  1. Glasgow – 5.4 hours  
  2. Nottingham – 5.2 hours  
  3. Birmingham – 5.1 hours  
  4. Sheffield – 5.0 hours  
  5. Leeds – 4.9 hours  
  6. Liverpool – 4.9 hours  
  7. London – 4.9 hours  

The top five cities where people keep their heating on for 12+ hours a day on average:

  1. Glasgow (12%) 
  2. Nottingham (10%) 
  3. Sheffield (10%) 
  4. Cardiff (9%) 
  5. Birmingham (8%) 

More than one in ten (13%) Brits have their heating at 25 degrees or above. Although they don’t leave the heating on for long each day, 11% of those from Belfast keep their thermostat at 25 degrees. If homes are well insulated, ScS says, turning the heating up high for a short amount of time might be a good way to heat up homes for less.  

The regions where people leave their heating on the longest do so at a lower temperature. One in four in Birmingham (25%), Sheffield (25%), and Liverpool (24%) set their thermostat to 18 degrees or lower.

saving money on heating bills
ScS and We Buy Any House provides tips for saving money on heating bills

To help Brits save money whilst staying warm this winter, ScS has teamed up with Holly Herbert, Head of Content at, to create some top tips for saving money on heating bills: 

Don’t heat empty space 

Holly says: “Don’t bother heating rooms that are empty, such as hallways or unused spare rooms. Instead, turn the radiators off and close the doors. Doing so can cut your bill by a third depending on how many rooms you’re not using. 

Fluffy flooring 

“Using mats and rugs for floors that aren’t carpeted will help heat cold floors for less than underfloor heating and make you feel warmer, so you don’t feel the need to crank up the heating,” Holly adds. 

Window warmers 

“Thick curtains are also a great way to keep the heat in your home. Opt for those marked thermal and make sure you keep these closed to avoid drafts coming in and encouraging you to have the heating on higher, saving around 10% off your bill,” advises Holly.  

Furniture placement  

“Make sure your bed is closer to the radiator than the window (not too close or it will trap the heat), to help you feel warmer while you sleep. Similarly, ensure your sofa isn’t too close to the radiator as this will absorb the heat and the room won’t feel the benefit. In general, keep all furniture six inches away from the radiators to allow the heat to flow around the room more efficiently, saving up to 10% on bills. Keeping sofas and chairs away from external walls will also help you feel warmer while relaxing,” says Holly. 

Dale Gillespie, Head of Acquisition at ScS, comments: “Though many put off turning the heating on until temperatures drop really low, it’s surprising to see how many people leave it on for most of the day.

“We were surprised to see such a difference in behaviours across the UK with some cities preferring to heat their homes in short blasts but whacking the thermostat high where others heat on low for longer hours. 

“As we’re spending more time at home, it’s amazing how big a difference a little thing like moving your sofa can help to heat up a room and reduce heating bills.”

6 tips to brighten up your home from sofa specialist ScS

Published On: May 20, 2020 at 8:19 am


Categories: Property News

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With the country still under lockdown, many have turned their attention to sprucing up their homes. This could also be worthwhile for any landlords with unoccupied properties.

Sofa and carpet specialist ScS has put together its top tips on how to add a splash of colour to your rooms, as well as which neutral shades to match them with:

brighten up your home

1. Match red with light blue and brown

Red is a powerful colour and used incorrectly, can make a room look overwhelming or intimidating. However, red can also create feelings of warmth and cosiness, depending on what it is matched with.

Consider adding touches of light blue or teal, relaxing, yet vibrant colours that perfectly complement deep reds. A wooden base and monochrome accessories will also frame the bright colours perfectly.

brighten up your home

2. Match blue with millennial pink and grey

Blue is an incredibly versatile shade that can be used to create all kinds of atmospheres in a home. This colour mainly offers a calming feel, which can be amplified by combining it with pinks and greys.

Millennial or dusty pinks add a spark of playfulness, without being garish, while grey notes offer timeless elegance.

3. Match green with burnt orange, light brown and grey

Old wives’ tales will tell you that red or blue with green should never be seen, but no-one said anything about burnt orange – the fashionable newcomer that adds a homely warmth to any room.

This shade of orange is a brilliant companion for green interiors and helps to enhance the natural, organic vibe that works so well in living rooms. Light wooden furniture and grey accessories complete the look and offer an effortless finish.

brighten up your home

4. Match yellow with baby blue, light brown and sage

Another colour that has the power to be overbearing if misused is yellow. This bright shade brings a flash of life and energy that, if controlled, can totally transform a faded room.

Try pairing yellow with baby blue and light wood to create a beach feel and transport the mind to sandy boardwalks.

5. Match orange with yellow, brown and black

Orange doesn’t just help to bring out the best in other colours – it can also stand out on its own.

A great way to accentuate the dazzling charm that orange brings is to match it with earthy colours like brown or black. Perhaps add a yellow accessory or two to further bring out those fiery tones.

brighten up your home

6. Match purple with light grey and white

Purple and grey is a classic pairing in interior design, and for good reason. The combination oozes class and creates a sense of effortless luxury.

Purple relaxes the room, while light shades of grey match perfectly to bring an edgy yet sophisticated style. Add splashes of white to brighten the space and highlight the other colours.

Dale Gillespie, Head of Acquisition at ScS, said: “With so many of us stuck at home during lockdown, it’s a great opportunity to tick off those DIY jobs that we’ve been meaning to get around to.

“Many will be getting their paintbrushes out to freshen up their homes, but it can be tricky to know what colours best go with your furniture. Hopefully, our tips will give Brits a little inspiration and help them achieve the look they want.”

For more advice on how to match bright colours to neutral shades, visit: