Superfast broadband for all new homes in Britain
A new agreement between the Home Builders Federation (HBF) and internet provider Opeanreach is set to deliver superfast broadband to new build homes in Britain.
Fast internet connection is becoming one of the must haves for would-be homebuyers in the UK and the new partnership is set to see this become standard in new properties.
The deal will see fibre based broadband made available to all new developments, for free or as a part of a funded initiative. It is thought that more than half of all new-build homes will be connected to the broadband free of charge for developers.
In addition, Openreach is looking to introduce an online planning tools for new homebuilders. The tool will tell them if properties in a certain development can be connected to fibre for free, or if a subsidiary contribution is required to help fund the activation of the local fibre network.
The housing industry will be able to access a rate card from Openreach, which will detail the fixed cost contributions that are required by homebuilders. Openreach said that it will make a significant contribution itself before looking for additional funds from developers.
Additionally, the Home Builders Federation pledged to promote and support the uptake of co-funding amongst their existing members.

Superfast broadband for all new homes in Britain
‘Broadband connectivity is just one thing that home buyers now expect when buying a new build, so the industry-led push to make superfast, or indeed ultrafast, broadband specials available by default in new homes represents a very important step in meeting the UK’s digital needs,’ noted Digital Economy Minister Ed Vaizey.[1]
Clive Selley, chief executive officer of Openreach, believes that the agreement is a positive step in bringing fibre broadband to as many homes as possible. Selley said, ‘we recognise that high-speed broadband connectivity is a major factor for home owners when deciding to buy a house. That’s why we’re offering to deliver fibre to all new build developments either for free or as a co-funded model.’[1]
‘With the support of the HBF we’ve delivered a series of measures to give developers greater clarity, choice and more funding. This underlines Openreach’s commitment to further extend its fibre network, which reaches more than 24 million premises, to benefit even more communities across the country,’ he added.[1]
Stewart Baseley, executive chairman of the HBF, observed that it will help reach home buyers expectations. He said, ‘house builders are constantly striving to deliver on and surpass the expectations of customers as we continue to see housing supply grow.’[1]
‘Broadband speeds are an increasingly important factor in the home buying process and this offer to developers will see more build purchasers benefit from the very best connectivity to go alongside the many other advantages of purchasing a brand new home,’ Baseley concluded.[1]