Posts with tag: online letting agency

27% of landlords thinking of using online agent

Published On: June 6, 2016 at 11:15 am


Categories: Landlord News

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A new survey has revealed that 27% of landlords believe an online letting agency to now be a better option for managing property than a more conventional one.

The investigation, carried out by property consultancy Allsop, also indicates that 31% of buy-to-let landlords are now considering going online in order to save money.

Online letting agents

Further results show that 59% of landlords feel that Government tax changes for the private rental sector will harm their investment profitability. A further 41% said that they are now considering incorporating their business.

40% of investors asked in the survey said that they feel rental growth will increase during the next six months.

37% have been encouraged by heightened demand from their tenants, up from just 4% in the previous six months.

27% of landlords thinking of using online agent

27% of landlords thinking of using online agent

Changing preferences

In conclusion, Allsop stated, ‘it would not surprise us if the preference for online lettings grow in the coming years. A hybrid model of providing expert advice by technological advances, allows for innovative management and letting solutions.’[1]

This news comes on the heels of the launch of Britain’s first online commercial estate and letting agency last week. Virtual Commercial is looking to provide those looking to set or let a commercial home in England and Wales a fixed fee service to help them with their duties.




Tenants Want to Meet Landlord When Viewing Property

Published On: January 30, 2013 at 12:10 pm


Categories: Landlord News

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It is becoming increasingly common for tenants in the UK to not meet their landlord when viewing rental accommodation. Instead, the letting agent will show prospective tenants around and answer any queries. A new survey has suggested that tenants would much rather meet and query their potential landlord.

Results taken from the survey indicate that around one third of UK landlords now endeavor to self-manage their portfolio. These landlords are becoming a lot more hands-on than other landlords in the market. Marked advantages of this type of approach are meeting tenants and building bonds, alongside saving money.

Tenants Want to Meet Landlord When Viewing Property

Tenants Want to Meet Landlord When Viewing Property

A landlord with property in London has suggested the use of agents to find tenants and then vetting applicants in person has proved beneficial in finding the right people. The landlord, Mr Mukherjee said that he uses online letting agency Tenants4U and has had a positive relationship. He explains: “I actually find that online agents are faster and more efficient. I let my last property using the Tenants4U free property letting service; I uploaded the property details to their website and within 3 days I had several viewings organised, eventually letting the property after the first day of viewings. The tenant paid a £99 application fee and that was it. I also got to meet all of the potential tenants and could make my own decision as to who I felt most comfortable renting the property to.”[1]

The managing director of Tenants4U thinks that the more hands on approach from landlords is becoming more popular. Shereena Lingiah said: “As a landlord myself, we provide the service that I would want for my own properties.  The lowest possible costs for the landlord, access to major portals such as Rightmove, the possibility of letting a property within a week and someone to help along the way. We aren’t here to replace the high street letting agent, but we are here to provide a high quality alternative for those landlords that are seeking to boost their profits in return for putting in a little extra time.”[1]

A growing number of tenants wanting to meet their landlord, coupled with a cost saving option for landlords, make it no surprise that the online letting industry is soaring.





Landlords using Online Services to Manage Portfolios

Published On: January 30, 2013 at 11:55 am


Categories: Landlord News

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Advancing technology has revolutionized the way a number of industries conduct business. This is true of landlords, who have been able to utilise the internet to market their properties, buy landlord insurance and investigate their competition. Some have even used websites to create Shorthold Tenancy Agreements after a tenant has agreed to rent a property.

Landlords using Online Services to Manage Portfolios

Landlords using Online Services to Manage Portfolios


The internet has also enabled landlords to take responsibilities away from letting agents, such as arranging viewings and answering queries.


Improvement in technology has led to landlords being able to save more money by cutting out costs for tasks normally undertaken by letting agents. Arranging to meet tenants themselves for example is one task that will save money. Furthermore, a survey conducted by online letting agents Tenants4U shows that over 80% of tenants actually prefer to meet the landlord when viewing a potential home.

A London landlord said: “I much prefer to use an online letting agent such as UPAD or Tenants4U for the simple reason that it saves me over £500 for each property that I rent out. The process is exactly the same and I actually find that online agents are faster and more efficient.”[1]

The landlord also said that he “got to meet the potential tenants and could make my own decision as to who I felt most comfortable renting the property to.”[1]


Managing Director of Tenants4U Shereena Lingiah, said that there is a growing trend of landlords that manage their own portfolios online. Lingiah said “As a landlord myself, we provide the service that I would want for my own properties. The lowest possible costs for the landlord, access to major portals such as Rightmove, the possibility of letting a property within a week and someone to help along the way.”[1]

Lingiah went on to say that online services “aren’t here to replace the high street letting agent,” but “are here to provide a high quality alternative for those landlords that are seeking to boost their profits in return for putting in a little extra time.”[1]
