Crowdfunding site to help tackle rogue landlords
A new crowdfunding campaign has been launched today, in order to raise money that will help to tackle the problem of rogue landlords in Britain.
The scheme is looking to raise £200,000 through Crowdcube to not only seek out rogues, but improve the standard of rental accommodation available in the UK.
This new campaign has been launched by Peter Ramsey, founder of student property portal Movem. The move comes ahead of plans to expand the website into the residential lettings market, as an alternative to existing property portals.
Movem, which compares itself to Airbnb for residential landlords and letting agents, states that it already has hundreds of private landlords pre-registered to let their properties through the platform. In addition, the portal says it has hundreds more letting agents seeking to advertise their portfolio as soon as it launches.

Crowdfunding site to help tackle rogue landlords
Mr Ramsey said, ‘Movem is offering an unprecedented level of transparency in the housing industry and offers tenants a smarter way to rent property.’[1]
What’s more, Ramsey said that hundreds of people have already pledged to invest in the crowdfund. Many students have already rallied behind the website, ‘to stand for better accommodation, more accountability for rogue landlords and ultimately a fairer way to rent property.’[1]