AIIC Announces Training Dates for 2017 – Take a Look
The Association of Independent Inventory Clerks (AIIC) has announced its training dates for 2017 – take a look if you want to find out more about inventories:

AIIC Announces Training Dates for 2017 – Take a Look
The two-day Guidelines for Inventory Professionals course will be taking place in February, April, June, September and November this year.
The training dates for the course are open to experienced clerks and those new to the industry. They are also suitable for landlords and letting agents who want to gain a comprehensive understanding of the inventory process.
The course includes sessions on check-ins and check-outs, legal guidelines and how to asses property damage. It also covers practical issues, such as dealing with tenants and the business side of being an inventory clerk.
The Chair of the AIIC, Patricia Barber, says: “A professionally compiled inventory has become an integral part of the pre and post-tenancy process.
“Our training courses, which are the best recognised in the industry, help to raise standards and make sure that independent inventories are being compiled fairly, accurately and legally.”
Last year, the AIIC also launched a range of online courses for those unable to attend its training dates.
Barber adds: “Our online courses provide an alternative route to gain membership to the AIIC, and have proved very popular since we launched them last summer.”
The training dates for 2017 are as follows: 18th and 19th February; 8th and 9th April; 10th and 11th June; 9th and 10th September; and 18th and 19th November.
All Guidelines for Inventory Professionals courses will take place at the Hilton Hotel in Bracknell, Berkshire.
For more information and for the full range of the AIIC’s training dates and courses, please visit:
If you’re a landlord that compiles their own inventories, make use of the training available to you in order to stick to the law and protect your investment.