Posts with tag: decorating your home

Making Your Property More Peaceful

Published On: June 26, 2015 at 5:05 pm


Categories: Landlord News

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It is important that all homes are calm and peaceful, and that guests feel at ease in your property.

After being at work all day or looking after the children, a relaxing environment is necessary for having some quiet time.

Making Your Property More Peaceful

Making Your Property More Peaceful

Take a look at these tips to help you create an inspiring yet serene space:

  • Remember every room

As you start to think about making your home more peaceful, include every room in your plans. You could start by removing all clutter from each room of the house.

As well as being organised and clean, every room should be styled with appropriate furniture that gives a feeling of belonging.

  • Pick the right colours

Colours can change our mood and feelings. The shade of each room can have an impact on the homeowner and everyone visiting the home.

Natural, earthy hues can have a calming effect, while soft tones, such as white and beige, are comforting. You could use two complementing colours in a room, featuring them in accents throughout the space.

  • Accessories that make you smile

A really easy way to encourage positivity in your home is through accessories that make you happy. These could be family photographs, a specific painting or a special souvenir – anything that reminds you of good moments.

Plants are a simple addition that boost your mood. A small plant placed on the windowsill adds a natural and bright feel to the room.

  • Choose fresh fabrics

Curtains and bedding should be light and flowing for a relaxed vibe. Linens and wools are natural and warm with comforting textures.

Remember natural textiles for cushions and throws to add a soothing touch.

How to Decorate with More Confidence

Published On: March 4, 2015 at 10:39 am


Categories: Property News

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If you love to, or would love to, decorate your home, but you are too timid to take risks, follow these tips on decorating more confidently.

How to Decorate with More Confidence

How to Decorate with More Confidence

Making mistakes

It is important to get rid of any fear holding you back on design ideas. Any reservations can stop you having the beautiful home that you want. Accept that mistakes may happen, equally as something amazing may happen. Realise that you can deal with any slip-ups, and take the pressure off yourself. You will gain confidence in allowing mistakes to happen.

Your style

Most people will have an idea of the styles, patterns and colours that they like, that suit them and their personality. If you want to decorate more confidently, forget the idea you have of what you like. Don’t stick to rules that you have made for yourself, and move forwards to anything that you like at the time. These things may form part of the style you like in the long-term.

Don’t apologise

Don’t feel that you have to explain to people the style of your home, or anything in it. You definitely don’t have to apologise to anyone who comes to your house.

Don’t get addicted to inspiration

Often, looking at inspiration can make us feel that we must conform to ideals. You may wonder if you are doing it right. If you want to make your own choices, don’t look at what others are doing, and try something new.