Posts with tag: cleaning

Flooring in Rental Properties – Which One to Choose?

Published On: February 2, 2017 at 11:20 am


Categories: Landlord News

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As a landlord, keeping your property in good condition is one of your top priorities. You want to ensure that the walls are damp free, drainage and guttering is clear, and that any appliances are correctly installed and meet the required safety standards. But what of the floors in your property?

Flooring in Rental Properties - Which One to Choose?

Flooring in Rental Properties – Which One to Choose?

Often overlooked by landlords and their tenants alike, taking care of the flooring in your property should be towards the top of your list when it comes to maintenance.

Many landlords make the mistake of installing cheap carpet, particularly in student lets, but this can soon prove costly, with carpet having to be regularly replaced due to spillages and stains, keeping in odour and bacteria, and in some extreme cases, problems with mildew. Investing in a more durable, long-term solution such as engineered wood flooring or laminate could end up saving you money in the long run.

There are many advantages to installing an engineered wood floor or laminate in your property, with one of the main plus points being how easy they are to take care of. Cleaning these types of floors is a simple task, particularly with the latter, with a well wrung out mop and cleaning solution the ideal method. Ensuring you use the right cleaning solution, it will help bring the shine back to the floor and remove any soft stains.

If you’re going to install a wood floor in your property, then you will also have to consider which finish to apply to the wood. A lacquered or oiled finish will give an additional protective layer to the wood flooring, making it easier to care for, and more resistant to knocks and scratches. With an average lifespan of more than 50 years, wooden flooring is a great solution for many rooms.

Having said that, laminate flooring is another option which you may wish to consider, particularly for areas such as kitchens, bathrooms or utility rooms. Depending on your choice of style, laminate can look very similar to a real wood floor, but it typically comes cheaper than the real thing. Not only this, but laminate is incredibly easy to replace should any of it get damaged, and so it has a massive appeal to landlords who want to renovate on a budget.

Of course, there are many different flooring options to choose from, but we would recommend both engineered and laminate for rental properties due to their durability, and their ease of installation and upkeep.

A guest post from Luxury Flooring & Furnishings.

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Video Launched to Help Tenants Avoid Deposit Disputes

Published On: January 12, 2016 at 12:03 pm


Categories: Landlord News

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A video has been launched to help tenants avoid tenancy deposit disputes over cleaning when they leave their rental property.

The video is aimed at landlords and letting agents to offer to tenants when they move in to prevent any disputes at checkout. Former letting agent and independent adjudicator for the Tenancy

Video Launched to Help Tenants Avoid Deposit Disputes

Video Launched to Help Tenants Avoid Deposit Disputes

Deposit Scheme (TDS), Joanna White, who is the head of Property Principles, created the video.

Cleaning is the biggest cause of deposit disputes, appearing in 50% of cases, according to the TDS.

The Clean Up video also comes with a booklet. It includes a series of practical, clear explanations of the standards of cleaning expected in the rental industry. It will also help tenants get their deposits back quickly and easily.

The Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA) and the Association of Professional Inventory Providers (APIP) have welcomed the video.

White comments: “Time and time again, large sums of money are deducted – correctly – from deposits, only because a property has not been cleaned to the professional standards that will have applied when a tenancy started.”1

The Clean Up video and booklet can be downloaded for £5.99. A yearly license includes unlimited usage of the video for one year from the purchase date.

It is the first in a series of guides to be published for landlords and tenants.

Property Principles advises:

  • Include a copy of Clean Up in every moving-in pack.
  • Ensure tenants understand that this is the cleaning standard expected when they leave.
  • Refer tenants to the video (in writing) before they move out.
  • If possible, have tenants attend the checkout process.

The 20-minute video is clearly voiced and is to a high industry standard.

Find out more and download the video here:


Cleaning still top dispute at check-out

Published On: December 1, 2015 at 12:12 pm


Categories: Landlord News

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Landlords and agents are being faced with more dirty properties at the check-out stage of tenancy agreements, according to a new report.

Research from Imfuna Let reveals that cleaning is still top of the list of dispute cases at the conclusion of a tenancy period, now accounting for 58% of all tenant disputes.


In fact, cleaning disputes were up 5% year on year. Next came property damage, which amounted to 52% of all disputes, followed by redecoration (32%), gardening (17%) and rent arrears (10%).

Additionally, the average cleaning claim was found to be the second lowest in value, behind those for gardening issues. At the top of this list came rent arrears, amounting to an average value of £1,164, followed by property damage (£475), redecoration (£449), cleaning (£220) and gardening (£195).

Cleaning still top dispute at check-out

Cleaning still top dispute at check-out

Jax Kneppers, Founder and CEO of Imfuna Let, observed,’ many tenants claim that the cleanliness of the property at the start of the tenancy was not clear, or that the tenancy agreement did not make clear what was expected of them.’ She continued by saying, ‘if agents and landlords wish to make deductions for cleaning costs, they need to be careful to record the cleanliness of the property in sufficient detail, at the start and easy of the tenancy. They will also need to ensure any charges they claim are a fair reflection of the property’s condition at the start of the tenancy.’[1]
