Buy-to-let mortgage products rise by 149% in 2 years
The number of buy-to-let mortgage products available in the UK market has risen by 149% over the past two years, according to the latest research from Mortgage Brain.
A further 2,634 deals for landlords have been produced for the market, from the 1,058 seen in June 2015.
In all, the number of mortgage products available to advisors has risen by 108% from June 2015 to June 2017. This is an extra 5,172 deals introduced.
There has also been a 48% rise in product numbers over the last year, taking the number of live mortgage products from mainstream lenders listed on Mortgage Brain’s systems.
Mark Lofthouse, Chief Executive of Mortgage Brain, noted: ‘The rapid increase in product availability over the past two of years is not only great news for mortgage advisers but a clear indication of the significant improvements the UK mortgage market has made in terms of product choice and availability.’[1]

Buy-to-let mortgage products rise by 149% in 2 years
‘There are now over 5,000 more products available, and with strong rises being seen across all areas, advisers now have more opportunities to source and advise on a greater variety of products, and importantly, continue to meet the changing needs of their clients and their mortgage requirements,’ he added.[1]