Summer Mortgage Lending Picks Up

Summer Mortgage Lending Picks Up

House purchase loans rose substantially in June, up 22% on the previous month, according to the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML).

However, the overall figure of 61,000 house purchase loans was down 1% on June last year.

Mortgage lending to home movers increased by 21.1% on the month, but just 0.3% on the year.

Loans to first time buyers also rose by 22% on a monthly basis, but were down 2.4% annually.

Contrastingly, remortgaging figures were up 31% in June and rose 34% over the year. Buy-to-let loans also rose 40% on the year and 17% monthly.

In total, in the second quarter (Q2) of this year, there were 160,100 house purchase loans, up 21.6% on Q1, but 7.7% down on Q2 2014.
















Em Morley:
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