The first series of Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords on Channel 5 has explored the relationship breakdown of landlords and tenants. But bosses agree that there is more to be seen.
The last episode of the current series aired last night, but a second series featuring eviction specialists Landlord Action has been commissioned, due to be broadcast in March 2016.
The final episode in season one featured a landlord making the decision to end his buy-to-let career.
Steve Bull bought his first investment property four years ago, hoping that his children would benefit in the future.
Eight months ago, a new tenant moved into the property and has been paying the rent late ever since. The rent arrears totalled over £5,000.
Bull called on Landlord Action’s Paul Shamplina to help him evict the tenant, but the worry that the incident has caused means that Bull is ready to sell the property.
Shamplina says: “As the buy-to-let market grows, with more people expected to rent than own property with a mortgage by 2025, naturally the level of complaints relating to tenancies will follow.
“No amount of legislation will ever be able to eradicate problematic tenancies, so education is the only way to help reduce this.
“Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords isn’t aimed at putting people off either letting or renting property, but highlights some of the scenarios which can arise so both tenants and landlords can protect themselves in advance.”1