A rogue landlord with property in Bradford has been ordered to pay close to £16,000 after being guilty of renting out dirty and dangerous flats in the city.
Mr Hasan Kazi was told to pay the cash after pleading guilty to renting out flats in Shearbridge Bradford that were in a terrible state of repair.
Bradford and Keighley Magistrates’ Court heard that Mr Kazi let the properties with fire escapes obstructed and with no safe means of escape. In addition, he failed to maintain fixtures and fittings and failed to provide his name or telephone number.
Mr Kazi managed a building containing 11 flats close to the University of Bradford. He was fined £12,940 for charges relating to condition of these properties, a £170 victim surcharge and £2,700 costs to Bradford Council.
The court heard that an environmental health officer from Bradford Council inspected the flats in July of last year and found several issues, including blocked fire escapes.
Other deficiencies included a smoke detector hanging off, exposed electrical sockets and dangerous light fittings.
Rogue landlord in Bradford fined £16,000
Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, Bradford Council’s executive member for regeneration, planning and transport, noted: ‘Anyone renting out property has a serious responsibility to ensure that their tenants are safe and free from health hazards.’[1]
‘They also need to make sure that the property is maintained in good repair and meets the standards required. In this case, not only was the property in a bad state it also put the lives of residents at risk. We will not hesitate to put irresponsible landlords before the courts.’[1]
[1] https://www.landlordtoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2017/7/slum-landlord-order-to-pay-almost-16k-for-filthy-and-dangerous-properties