Membership of the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) has hit a new record high of 35,000 landlords.
Established by landlords, for landlords in 1998, the not-for-profit organisation, which is Britain’s leading landlord association, has seen huge growth in recent years, reaching 35,000 landlords less than two years after hitting the 30,000 mark.
Answering more than 66,000 calls to its helpline and live chat services in the past year, the RLA also trained more than 4,000 landlords, provided more than 350,000 template documents, such as tenancy agreements, and has a five-star Trustpilot rating.
It is also a force to be reckoned with with the Government, with its work quoted 49 times in Parliament in 2018.
After reaching this latest milestone, the RLA is extending a huge thank you to all of its members for helping the organisation become the leading voice for landlords across England and Wales.
The Chairman of the RLA, Alan Ward, says: “This is a massive achievement for the RLA, and a testament to the hard work and commitment of its team.
“In just over three years, we have seen our ranks swelled by 15,000 landlords, who are turning to us for help when it comes to navigating the increasingly challenging landscape of the PRS [private rental sector].”
He adds: “We would like to extend a huge thank you to these members – and welcome our new recruits – and assure them we will continue our fight to support and represent them to make renting better.”
To celebrate, the RLA is offering a £35 discount on membership prices until the end of February. If you would like to take advantage of this deal, follow this link:
We remind our landlords of the importance of joining an organisation that encourages you to understand your legal responsibilities and conduct your lettings business in the correct manner.