A radio station has launched a new property show with a focus on private landlords.
The Property Hour will be broadcast on LBC (Leading Britain’s Conversation) in association with Direct Line Landlord Insurance. The programme will be co-hosted by LBC presenter Clive Bull and Landlord Action’s Paul Shamplina.
Radio Station Launches New Property Show for Landlords
The show will initially run every Thursday evening from 9pm-10pm for 13 weeks, starting this Thursday, 10th March.
The programme will include interviews with leading property experts, news and views from the week, and a chance for listeners to phone in with any questions and opinions. Listeners are encouraged to join the online debate using #LBCPropertyHour.
The show will also include a weekly three-minute sponsored feature that will focus on certain issues affecting landlords.
The Head of Direct Line for Business, Nick Breton, comments on the partnership: “We are delighted to partner with LBC for its first weekly property programme. Given Britain’s passion with all things property-related, we believe the show will prove compulsive listening.
“As a leading provider of landlord insurance, we are delighted to be able to support a programme that will discuss key issues facing this audience. From homeowners, single property accidental landlords, right up to serious investors with large portfolios, this show will offer something for everyone.”
Paul Shamplina, the Founder of Landlord Action, says: “Having worked at the sharp end of the property industry for more than 25 years helping landlords with problem tenants, I’d like to think I’ve nearly seen it all, but still some cases surprise me.
“Education is key, particularly for amateur landlords entering the world of buy-to-let for the first time, which is why I’m thrilled to be co-hosting The Property Hour.”
LBC is available on 97.3FM in London and across the UK on DAB digital radio, online at lbc.co.uk, through the LBC app and on digital television.
The station reaches 1.4m listeners every week across the UK, with the average listener tuning in for over ten hours.
For your daily landlord updates, visit LandlordNews.co.uk, where you will find the latest information and advice for landlords.