This week, a new rental property website launched for landlords and tenants.
Ruumi is a mix between Airbnb and Tinder. It matches users to compatible housemates and rental properties based on their interests, lifestyles and living preferences.
The free service allows users to provide references from friends and landlords to build their profile, which can be viewed by prospective housemates.
For landlords wishing to list on the site, there is a post a place section and the business hopes to be as simple as Airbnb.
Jack Archer, a 29-year-old entrepreneur, founded the site.
He says it can be frustrating for tenants to attend countless viewings and go through endless property searches to discover they have nothing in common with their new housemates, and that is what Ruumi is trying to avoid.
Ruumi was inspired by Airbnb and focuses on simple design, with the user experience central to the whole idea.
Archer says: “Who you live with matters just as much as the place, but somewhere along the way, this has been forgotten. We want to put people back at the heart of the process by building a community of happy renters and making it fun, free and easy to connect with the right people.”1
The site is now available on desktop, tablet and smartphone and has initially launched in the East London boroughs of Hackney and Tower Hamlets, with plans for a full roll out over London in the near future.
The site can be viewed here: