One of Britain’s biggest suppliers of carbon monoxide and smoke alarm testing products has produced a new product to assist agents and landlords comply with legislation.
GasSafe Europe has created a ‘Triplicate Record Pad,’ which can be used as evidence to prove to local authorities that smoke and carbon monoxide alarms have been tested and are in sufficient order.
It is a legal requirement for landlords and letting agents to prove that a building’s alarms are compliant with Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Regulations 2015. Tests must be carried out at the beginning of all new tenancy agreements and during property inspections. Those who not adhere to these legislations face fines of up to £5,000.
This new regulation came into effect last October and it is hoped that up to 26 deaths and 670 injuries per year will be prevented as a result.
New product to assist in smoke alarm legislation compliance
The ‘Triplicate Record Pad’ can record the property address details, information on specific alarms tested and any faults or replacements made.
In order to assist landlords and agents meet legislation guidelines, Detectagas has been designed to check the battery and sensor in alarms in just one test. This is done by injecting a specific level of test gas into a transparent cover over the alarm itself.
Should an alarm be found to be faulty, GasSafe Europe has designed tamper-proof stickers to notify residents and ensure that they are not used. The labels use extra-strong glue alongside a fragile material, which means once it is used it becomes very difficult. This makes it ideal for inspectors, with this method helping to make sure alarms highlighted as faulty will be virtually impossible to be re-used.
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