Rules are to change for landlords in Nottingham, as a new rental licencing scheme will introduce new conditions within the city.
Designated areas will be enforcing the need for landlords to be licensed through the council and comply with conditions that aim to maintain that private tenants have access to safe and liveable homes.
There are an estimated 30,000 homes within these designated areas in Nottingham. Outside of London, this is the largest scheme of its kind.
The scheme will come into force from 1st August this year, but will not apply to Homes in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) already licensed under an existing scheme.
Adam Kingswood, director of Kingswood Residential Investment Management has offered the following advice: “Our advice to landlords is to keep a close eye on the Nottingham City Council website for updates and to use the guidelines which are located on the site to help steer a course through the process.
“Whilst there is undoubtedly plenty of work involved in the process of applying for a licence, reputable landlords will already have most of the required documentation. For example, proof of buildings insurance, gas safety certificates and EPC’s are required amongst other documentation.”
“The difficult requirement may be in providing evidence of ‘landlord training’ which is required but this should not delay the application process. Where this has not been undertaken, the Council will make this a condition on the licence for the licence holder to complete within 12 months and details of suitable training will be required.”
Registration for the scheme opened on 1st July this year, and landlords are to complete the process by 1stAugust, leaving them under a month to either register themselves or appoint an agent to act on their behalf.
Those who do not comply may end up with a civil penalty of up to £30,000, or prosecution on summary conviction, which carries an unlimited maximum fine. This could also result in landlords being banned from holding a licence in the future.
The licence for each property currently stands at £780 for non-accredited landlords and £480 for those accredited with the Nottingham Standard (either Unipol or DASH).
Adam Kingswood also added: “The introduction of the licensing scheme requires work from all landlords in Nottingham City to take action and register, whether they rent one property or have a large portfolio. My advice is to check if your property falls within the licensing area asap and seek professional advice from an ARLA regulated agent if you need assistance.”