A new initiative has promised to offer charities and other organisations free training to pass on to both landlords and tenants, advising them ‘how to rent.’
The partnership is between the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) and the Tenancy Deposit Scheme Charitable Foundation. Entitled train2rent, the initiative will see groups such as housing associations, trusts and residents’ groups offered access to features such as training packs and learning material. In turn, this will allow them to pass on information about renting a property.
There is to be a separate information pack offering advice for landlords and tenants. These will include the course presentation and workbook, plus a timetable for training and practical exercises.
Included in the information for landlords resource pack will be details of their legal responsibilities, including:
- how to conduct Right to Rent checks
- protecting deposits
- making gas, fire and electrical safety assessments
- starting and ending a tenancy
New initiative offers advice for landlords and tenants
The tenant resource will cover topics including:
- their legal rights and responsibilities
- how to find the correct property
- different types of tenancy agreements
Positive outcome
Chair of the Tenancy Deposit Scheme Charitable Foundation, Martin Partington, said, ‘it’s been a common theme in the bids we have received that small organisations have wanted funding to produce educational materials or host a workshop. The trustees felt that our money was better spent commissioning a set of materials that these groups could use, free of charge, to deliver the same outcome.’[1]
These courses will apply to properties located in England, with the licence to use the resources lasting for a period of 30 days.
[1] https://www.lettingagenttoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2016/3/industry-groups-push-training-for-landlords-and-tenants-on-how-to-rent