Living on a Lane Drives Up House Price

Homes that have an address with the word lane in it are worth a fifth more than the average house price, according to new research.

Properties on lanes have an average price of £245,906. This is 22% (£44,660) more than the average UK house price.

Living on a Lane Drives Up House Price

Homes with an address containing the word way are the next most valuable, with an average price of £218,742. This is followed by properties with the word road in their address, which are generally worth £212,717.

Property market experts Hometrack conducted the study for Barclays.

The research also revealed that homes with drive or street in their address have the lowest prices, at £191,675 and £142,374 respectively.

Naturally, there are exceptions to the rule, depending on where in the country the property is. For example, in London, a house on a lane is worth £414,122 on average, whereas a property on a street is worth significantly more at £566,406.

In Scotland, homes on a close are the most valuable, at an average of £161,869.

In Wales, properties on a lane are worth the most, at £190,039 on average.

Addresses with the word road in command the highest prices in Northern Ireland, at an average of £148,519.

The average house price on a lane has doubled from around £123,000 in 2001, but property prices in all categories have risen substantially in the past 15 years, Barclays Mortgages states.

Director of Mortgages at Barclays, Craig Calder, says: “While this data paints a clear picture of victory for lanes in the competition between properties, it’s interesting to see the varying statistics from around the country and a huge growth in value overall.”1

The following are the average prices of homes with these words in their address:

  1. Lane – £245,906
  2. Way – £218,742
  3. Road – £212,717
  4. Close – £204,964
  5. Avenue – £192,344
  6. Drive – £191,675
  7. Street – £142,374

1 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/11797736/It-pays-to-live-on-a-lane-but-a-street-drives-down-values.html

Em Morley:
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