The first international student property portal in the UK has recently been launched.
Road 51 vows to assist both landlords and letting agents locate both national and international students who are searching for privately rented accommodation in university towns and cities across Britain.
Acting as an advertising feature for property management businesses and sales agents, the portal can additionally be used by private landlords with smaller portfolios. More and more students are looking to move away from home in order to study and making a sound decision on where to live without guidance can be a very difficult and daunting experience.
This can often be even more difficult for international students, who face problems in contacting letting agents and landlords not accredited to their University. Research has proven that a lot of international students, particularly postgraduates, wish to live off campus. A number of reasons contribute to these decisions, such as students wishing to live with others from their own cultural background or because they wish to live with their family.
Road 51 aims to make international students closer to being able to access private accommodation that they may not have been able to view previously. In addition, the portal gives landlords the chance to give students as much detail as possible about their potential homes, including photographs and videos.
Founder of Road 51, Bo Tsang, who is an experienced private landlord himself, said that, ‘I am excited to announce the launch of Road 51. My experience as both a student landlord and letting agent made it clear that there was a need for a platform that would allow landlords like myself to access this valuable market. Our website provides a cost-effective solution for landlords looking to extend their reach.’[1]
‘I hope that students will find our new website helpful in their search for properties that are right for them in areas that they are not familiar with. To celebrate the launch of Road 51, landlords are being offered three months’ worth of advertising on the portal absolutely free.’ Tsang added.[]
[1] ‘Landlord & Buy to let’ Issue 59 June 2015