Tenant group Generation Rent has been given £45,000 to fight for rent controls.
The organisation is currently facing a financial dilemma and could face collapse.
The money was awarded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, in a bid to boost Generation Rent’s campaign ahead of the London Assembly elections in May 2016.
However, the £45,000 donation has been given separately from the group’s current fundraising venture to avoid closure.
Generation Rent has turned to crowdfunding to raise £60,000 by the end of this month. Yesterday, with just 14 days left, it had hit £11,785.
The campaign was launched after the Nationwide Foundation said it would no longer make any donations to Generation Rent.
Betsy Dillner, Director of Generation Rent, says: “As the Joseph Rowntree Foundation grant is intended for a particular campaign, it does not count towards our wider crowdfunding effort. It is nevertheless a huge boost to our organisation.”1