A free seminar series for landlords and letting agents will launch this month, with an advisory session on how to evict tenants in a way that is both effective and legally sound.
The Landlord Seminar Series, hosted by leading law firm Kirwans, will see legal specialists exploring a wide range of crucial issues for the sector, ranging from rent recovery to the consequences of failing to undertake Right to Rent checks.
Free Seminar Series Launched for Landlords and Letting Agents
The free seminar series will also feature guest speakers from non-legal sectors of the property industry, providing useful tips and analysis on topics affecting landlords and the rental market.
The initial event will focus on legally sound ways of evicting tenants; an area that some find particularly confusing, following recent legislative amendments.
A panel of experts will discuss how to tackle the eviction process, with a focus on Section 21 notices, the new additional regulatory requirements and the accelerated possession procedure.
They will also advise on the legal responsibilities that landlords and letting agents now carry, following the updated legislation, what to do if court proceedings unfold and how to deal with so-called retaliatory evictions.
Danielle Hughes, an associate solicitor and landlord legal expert at Kirwans, who will lead the series, says: “Evicting a tenant can be a tricky process. For landlords, protection is key if they are to avoid expensive errors and difficulties securing possession.
“The aim of these seminars is to educate landlords and agents on the correct way to launch eviction proceedings to ensure they don’t face complications further down the line. Many landlords come to us at the stage where they are ready to issue a claim and find that they have not complied with a simple requirement, which sets them back to square one of having to re-issue a notice. This can lead to unnecessary delays and lost rental income.”
She continues: “We have seen numerous cases in which minor errors have led to claims being struck out of court, and landlords often only seek advice when it is too late. Hopefully, our seminar series will set them on the right track and prevent these problems from occurring.
“In addition, we will explore the range of new grounds on which tenants can now seek to defend claims and challenge the eviction procedure, with tips and advice on how best to avoid these issues by taking a proactive approach from the outset.”
Attendees will also hear from Mark Wrigglesworth, the Director of ERC Accountants, who will examine and advise on the changes and impact of landlord taxes following the recent and ongoing reduction in mortgage interest tax relief, which began on 6th April this year.
Hughes adds: “The rental sector has undergone significant change over the past two years, and our first landlord seminar series event will see us reflecting on what has changed and how to deal with new challenges which are still to come.”
The first in the free seminar series will take place at Avenue HQ, Mann Island, Liverpool on Wednesday 27th September 2017 between 8-10am. For more information and to book tickets, visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/landlord-legal-update-tenant-evictions-tickets-36952085683