Communication solves many deposit disputes

Fake Dictionary, definition of the word dispute.

New research has highlighted the importance of good, solid communication between tenants and landlords at the conclusion of a tenancy agreement.

Tenancy deposit scheme My Deposits said that during the last year, 30% of deposit disputes did not reach a formal resolution adjudication, mostly due to communicating fairly over the issues.


Tim Frome, legal services manager at My Deposits said, ‘whenever we receive notification from the tenant of a potential dispute we always recommend they speak to their landlord first. These figures help show the value of sitting down, talking to your tenant and explaining the reasons for your proposed deductions to the deposit can help lessen the likelihood of a formal deposit dispute.’ Frome also notes that it is, ‘always worth trying to negotiate as using the scheme’s formal dispute resolution process can take time.’[1]

Communication solves many deposit disputes

Mr Frome also warned landlords that by law, the deposit is still the tenant’s.

‘If the tenant doesn’t agree with your deductions then they have the right to raise a formal dispute with their deposit scheme to reclaim the deposit money,’ he noted.

[1] https://www.landlordtoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2015/8/communication-key-to-deposit-disputes



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