The majority of buy-to-let landlords in the capital have moved to support a recent pledge from the mayor of London on publicly naming rogue landlords.
Sadiq Khan wants to name and shame landlords that have been convicted of housing-related offences and has received support from the sector, according to a new poll.
Shaming rogue landlords
A recent survey of landlords, conducted by the Residential Landlords Association, has uncovered that 75% are in favour of an online database which shames rogue landlords. This database would list landlords that have been successfully prosecuted for housing-related offences.
The move is one of a number of measures proposed by Mr Khan in his mayoral manifesto aimed at protecting the rights of renters.
RLA policy director David Smith noted, ‘landlords are ready and willing to work with the new mayor to develop workable solutions to ensure the safe, legal and secure homes to rent we all want to see.’[1]
‘The majority of landlords who provide decent housing and a good service to their tenants are fed up with the minority who provide substandard accommodation,’ he continued.[1]
Calls for rogue landlords to be named
In addition, the survey found that 59% of buy-to-let landlords support the notion of letting agents being forced to publish a breakdown of their fees. 49% are in favour of capping fees charged by agents to both tenants and landlords.
Mr Khan has pledged to support the development of new homes in Britain. 37% of respondents to the survey noted that they would think about investing in new properties to rent in the capital, should plots of unused public sector land be highlighted for development of new housing.