Is the Chancellor making landlords scapegoats for the COVID rent debt crisis?
The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) states that the Chancellor is making landlords the scapegoats for the COVID rent debt crisis.…
The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) states that the Chancellor is making landlords the scapegoats for the COVID rent debt crisis.…
Demand for chain-free properties has climbed across the UK’s major cities, according to research from the homebuying platform YesHomebuyers. The research…
One in five guarantors is walking away from signing a guarantor agreement due to joint liability for rent in HMOs,…
There is a £46,800 premium in London for property 500m from the nearest station, compared to a similar property 1,500m (1.5km)…
Build to rent specialist Ascend Properties has researched whether a rental home with integrated smart tech is more or less…
Over half a million homebuyers in England are set to benefit from the Stamp Duty holiday, according to the latest…
The May 2021 House Price Index from Halifax reports that UK property prices continue to rise in 2021 as we…
The UK’s rental demand for student properties has remained unchanged by the pandemic, research from student accommodation provider UniHomes has found. Their research reveals which…
Build to rent specialist Ascend Properties has seen an increase in build to rent properties being completed in London during…
House price growth is at the highest level in nearly seven years, according to Nationwide’s May 2021 House Price Index.…