Crisis comments on latest possession statistics since end of eviction ban
The Ministry of Justice’s latest Mortgage and Landlord Possession statistics cover the first full quarter since the ban on bailiff-enforced…
The Ministry of Justice’s latest Mortgage and Landlord Possession statistics cover the first full quarter since the ban on bailiff-enforced…
Two thirds of councils in England have prosecuted no landlords for offences related to standards in or the management of…
Caerphilly County Borough Council has announced the approval of a plan that sets out its priorities to prevent homelessness. The…
The number of new lettings applicants in London climbed by 34% in the six months between October 2020 and March…
Landlords who helped tenants out during the pandemic by reducing rent prices had to use their own savings, new research…
Halifax’s House Price Index for October reports a record high for average house prices, topping £270,000 for the first time.…
Estate agents earn one of the lowest basic salaries of all sales professions, research from estate agent Nested finds. Nested…
The average house price in the UK was recorded as £250,311 for October 2021 in Nationwide’s latest House Price Index.…
Rental values across London have exceeded pre-pandemic levels in all but three areas, the latest property market analysis from Benham…
Environmental issues have become increasingly important to UK tenants, according to the results of a survey from rental platform…