Report finds increasing rent prices are due to shrinking private rented sector
Propertymark has found that rent prices are increasing due to landlords selling up and reducing the available rental stock. The…
Propertymark has found that rent prices are increasing due to landlords selling up and reducing the available rental stock. The…
Maintenance in the rental sector in the UK has reached a total of £30 billion a year, according to research…
Nearly one third of private landlords who evicted tenants in Scotland to sell the property failed to sell the home…
The Lettings Industry Council (TLIC), formed by industry stakeholders from across the Private Rented Sector (PRS), has formed a report…
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced a package of support to address the rising cost of energy bills, including a £400…
Landlords are calling for new property passports to help landlords prove their homes are compliant and tenants identify decent and…
Housing minister Eddie Hughes will be the keynote speaker at The Landlord Conference 2022 on Tuesday 15th November. Hosted by…
The Ministry of Justice has released its latest statistics on mortgage and landlord possessions in England and Wales, covering January-March…
The Index of Private Housing Rental Prices report for April 2022 has been published by the Office for National Statistics…
The House Price Index for March 2022 has been published by the Government, revealing the latest house price changes for…